IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
22–24 July 2024 // Pisa, Italy

Call for Workshops

The 2024 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing will be held in Pisa, Italy, July 22-25, 2024. The conference is a three-day meeting that showcases original research works, tutorials, workshops, industry program from the HPSR and computer networking community. The meeting program includes keynotes and panels from prominent academy, industry, business, and government leaders. In this call, we solicit proposals for half-day or full-day workshops, to be held during the conference.

Objective of Workshop:
The aim of the conference workshops is to highlight emerging research and technology topics that are not specifically covered in the main symposia. Each workshop may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, keynote, and panels that encourage active participation of attendees.

Suggested Proposal Format:
The proposal should concisely and clearly describe the content and objectives of the workshop, and must include (Up to 4 pages):

  1. Title of the workshop
  2. Description of the technical issues covered, emphasizing the timeliness of the proposed workshop topics not covered or specifically addressed by the main conference symposia (Up to 1 page)
  3. Workshop Organizers (names, affiliation, and contact information)
  4. A short biography of the organizers (up to 200 words), highlighting experience in organizing conferences/workshops.
  5. Names of potential participants, including program committee members and invited speakers (indication that speakers have accepted to participate is a plus)
  6. Proposed workshop format (unique, creative, and novel workshop formats are strongly encouraged), including:
    • Duration of the workshop (Half-day, Full-day and tentative schedule)
    • Number of open-call and invited refereed papers, keynotes, panels (and panel formats) etc.
    • Plan for the review of the refereed papers according to the IEEE and ComSoc's academic best-practices and requirements.
  7. Draft Call for Papers (1 standing-alone page)
  8. A description of the publicity and promotion plan
  9. If applicable, a description of statistics in previously organized workshops including the number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, etc.

Proposal Submission Instructions:
Workshop proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file by email to both Workshop Co-Chairs (see emails below).

Proposals that address exciting topics within the scope of IEEE HPSR in creative formats and with potential to generate lively interactions among participants will be given priority. Papers will be peer-reviewed and those accepted will be added to the proceeding of the IEEE HPSR proceedings and archived in IEEE Xplore.

Tentative Timeline:

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: March 15, 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: March 25, 2024
  • Web Posting of Call for Papers: April 1, 2025
  • Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: May 5, 2024 May 24
  • Paper Acceptance Notification: May 20, 2024 June 12
  • Camera Ready: June 1, 2024 June 18

Additional instructions and important deadlines will be posted at

Workshops Co-Chairs and Contact Information

Lotfi Mhamdi, Leeds University, UK (Email:

Roberto Rojas-Cessa, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA (Email:
