IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
22–24 July 2024 // Pisa, Italy

Author Instructions



Camera-ready upload and copyright transfer must be completed by:

  • Main Conference papers: June 7, 2024
  • Workshop papers: June 18, 2024


All final submissions of accepted papers must be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures. No more than one (1) additional printed page (10-point font) may be included in final submissions and the extra page (the 7th page) will incur an over length page charge of US$100.

All final papers must be submitted to the IEEE Conference eXpress website. Please refer to the acceptance letter for the instructions on how to upload final papers.


Papers must be written in English using the IEEE conference proceeding templates (10-point font) for LaTeX or Microsoft Word available at:

Please note that in addition to duly addressing the reviewers’ comments, only minor changes to the title and/or abstract may be accepted, to be agreed with the TPC Co-Chairs. Changes to the author list are NOT allowed.

Please note that with IEEE conferences, the author affiliation is listed under the author’s name, unlike IEEE transactions.

Please do not add any page numbering, header, or footer. No copyright notice is required as it is automatically added during the production process of the conference proceedings.

Please note that the top margin is at least 0.75in or 1.9cm, respectively, whereas the bottom margin is at least 1.0in or 2.54cm, respectively. This space is required to stamp conference/track name, copyright notice, and page numbers later.

For IEEEtran class in LaTeX, please use the following as the first line in your LaTeX source file:
\documentclass[10pt, conference]{IEEEtran}

Users of the Microsoft Word templates must remove the incomplete copyright notice in the footer and are requested to move the text box for funding grants, if used, upwards above the footer into the first column on the first page.

Users of the Microsoft Word US letter template must NOT use the slanted/italic version of the title font. 

Users of the Microsoft Word A4 template have to manually adjust the top margin on the first page to 1.9cm.


Authors are required to use IEEE PDF eXpress to make sure that their PDF file is compliant to the latest IEEE Xplore requirements. Papers that are not compliant will not be included in the proceedings nor published in IEEE Xplore.

  • Go to IEEE PDF eXpress Website:
  • Create an IEEE PDF eXpress account (use conference ID: 62440X)
  • Use ‘new user’ if you have not used this site before
  • Continue to enter information as prompted
  • Do NOT use ‘Approve for collection’ in PDF eXpress Plus, if requested

The validated PDF obtained from PDF eXpress is the file that you must upload as a final version. It includes a label in the PDF metadata that certifies the compatibility with IEEE Xplore.

The PDF eXpress site can also be used to convert source files into an IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF file (e.g., for LaTeX users, create a ZIP file that includes DVI and EPS figure files all together, and then upload the ZIP file for the system to convert into a compliant PDF file; for MS Word users, upload the Word file and let it convert and return a compliant PDF file).


To be published in the IEEE HPSR 2024 Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the Full Author rate and the paper must be presented at the conference by one registered co-author.

One author registration is valid for up to 2 papers. 

The registration instructions are available at the Registration Page:


Authors of accepted papers must complete and sign the IEEE eCopyright form. One copyright form is required for each accepted paper.

The electronic copyright form can be accessed via EDAS ( by selecting the “My Papers” tab, then selecting the paper title, and finally clicking on the sign corresponding to the “copyright form” field. This will walk you through a series of steps.

Make sure that the title and the author list are EXACTLY as in your final camera-ready paper.


The final camera-ready paper has to be uploaded via EDAS (, by selecting the “My Papers” tab, then selecting the paper title.

When prompted for the conference registration code, enter the string HPSR followed by the confirmation number received upon registration.


Please double-check the information that you provide during submission, including the title of the paper and abstract as well as the name, affiliation, and e-mail address of each author.

Please list authors in order of authorship. Be aware that you cannot add any co-author at this stage.

Finally, please assign one of the paper’s co-authors to present the paper at the conference.


If you have any questions on creating and/or submitting your camera-ready paper, please do not hesitate to contact the publication co-chairs:

- Massimo Tornatore, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy - massimo.tornatore[at]polimi[dot]it

- Takehiro Sato, Kyoto University, Japan - takehiro.sato[at][dot]ac[dot]jp
